I would like to do an analysis based on renewables-ninja (RN) data that considers sites all over the world. The RN corresponding publication on PV says in the last paragraph that the authors cannot say anything about the data validity as there exists no data to validate it against. Has anyone gained experience?
Finnish Meteorological Institute has open data section, where I think at least few of their observation sites collect also radiation data. https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/SMEAR/FMI+data <- might help you in retrieving that data. I would assume other meteorological institutes have observation posts for the same values, though not sure how open their data is.
We are currently working to validate and develop correction factors for our wind and solar data globally. It isn’t made easy by the the lack of measured power output data available outside of Europe…
If you know of any data sources (preferably output from real farms, rather than meteorological data) then please do share!
Were you already familiar with https://pvoutput.org/ ?
-Most sites have good resolution for the data (5-15min)
-Quick information about quality of site data
-A lot of sites also outside Europe
-Some sites have long track record so if you only have radiation data for 2014, you can find those sites as well
-Didn’t find any option for raw set, so the data would have to be stripped from their site (the same program could also be used to identify best sites in selected countries and the wanted conditions for the site)
-Panel brand/model for panel is given instead of the type (extra step to verify they are of the supported type)
Thanks for the pointer. We are indeed aware of PV Output. In our paper on validating the solar model in Europe (free to read here), we used PV Output, PVLog (a similar service), and a dataset from the UK government. We limited ourselves to Europe in that paper due to accessibility of data, but are currently working on global validation of our model.
We are currently working to develop specific correction factors for Australia and the US, and hopefully for China and India depending on the availability of actual renewables output data. Beyond that, we are developing a more general correction method that can be applied anywhere, including places with no existing wind and solar industry.
I just wanted to ask what the status on the global validation of the model is. Specifically, has the more general correction method you mentioned been implemented yet?
I am doing global analyses on solar PV, onshore and offshore wind renewable energy auctions and I need the capacity factor as an input variable in my model.
I’m afraid to say we are working on academic timescales here, so we are still slowly working towards the global bias correction solution - but a million other things keep landing on my desk. My hope is to secure some research funding to employ a researcher to look into this full time, and then progress will be more concrete.